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World's first
digital registration for bikes

BikeFolder gives all bikes a digital registration card - or a bike card. It follows the bicycle throughout its lifecycle and forms the core of an interaction platform which, among other things, deals with maintenance and documentation.


“Double the number of bikes worldwide, and contribute to it becoming the preferred transportation for most people."

Developed by and for bike lovers

BikeFolder has had a flying start and is ahead of expectations to become the industry standard in the Norwegian bicycle industry.

The team that developed BikeFolder has a background as active cyclists, bike dealers, and bike mechanics. With a total of more than 100 years of experience in the bicycle industry, we know the challenges and needs of bicycle owners, dealers, and manufacturers.

BikeFolder is made to solve these.

Industry standard

The Norwegian cycling industry has seen that BikeFolder benefits all parties, and already in 2024, more than 100,000 newly produced bicycles will roll out of the factory with the BikeFolder tag under the paintwork. This means that BikeFolder can be considered an industry standard in Norway, and now the rest of the world lies ahead.

The market


Bycicles in the world


Electrical-bycicles in the world


Bicycles in Norway

The values BikeFolder creates

The platform provides value for the whole ecosystem surrounding a bike

Bike owner

  • Double the expected lifetime
  • Documented bike value
  • Simplified bike maintenance
  • A safe bike
Bike dealers

  • Higher profit per bike
  • Increased efficiency
  • Better customer loyalty
Bike producer

  • Optimizing market communication
  • Cost reduction associated with recalls
  • Groundbreaking customer and dealer data
  • Save up to 73 million kg of paper, per year