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Feature list

Complete list of all features on BikeFolder platform




  • Add bike-fit PDF

    • If user has performed a bike-fit, the PDF-file can be stored in the BikeFolder user account. Shops that are attached to this user can access the PDF-file.

  • Choose currency

    • User can choose from different currencies.

  • Become a BikeHunter

    • User can choose to become a BikeHunter. If a bike in his area is being stolen, he will get an SMS with photo of the bike and a finders fee that the owner is offering. User can «hunt» for the bike and if a similar bike is found the QR code can be scanned to check if that bike is stolen. If stolen bike is located, system will alert owner to contact the BikeHunter and pay finders fee.

  • Activate/Deactivate messages and notifications.

    • User can activate/deactivate messages from shops and brands that he/she is related to.

  • Receive direct recalls

    • If there is a recall on a brand/part that the user is a current owner of he/she will receive an SMS from the Brand on how to handle the recall.



  • Automated bill of sales when sold

    • When a bike is sold in the second hand market, a contract is automatically generated and saved on the account of the seller and buyer. Seller and buyer are authenticated by phone number. Both parties can download the PDF for their reference.

  • SMS when service is due

    • Owner of bike will receive a SMS when service is due. The SMS sender ID is the name of the shop that is the preferred shop of that bike. The SMS sent includes a link for direct online booking at the bike shop that the bike is related to.

  • Complete data card bike

    • Bike card has more than 43 data points that is high-quality data from manufacturer:

      • Brand

      • Model name

      • E-bike (Y/N)

      • Model year

      • Wheel size

      • Travel length fork

      • Travel length frame

      • Date of purchase

      • Frame number

      • Battery number

      • Keynumber

      • Category

      • Frame size

      • Retail price

      • BF number

      • Date for next servic

Complete spec list:

        • Frame

        • Fork

        • Rear Derailleur

        • Shifters

        • Cog

        • Crank

        • Bottom bracket

        • Pedals

        • Chain

        • Rim

        • Tires

        • Brakes

        • Vote

        • Handlebar

        • Brains

        • Headset

        • Saddle

        • Engine

        • Battery

        • Charger

        • Remote control Fork

        • Remote control rear shock

        • Front derailleur

        • Chain guide

        • Rear Shock

        • Rotors

        • Front hub

        • Rear hub

        • Spokes

        • E-bike display

        • Derailleur hanger

        • EXTRA


  • Change ownership

    • When selling the bike, the owner can transfer the ownership of the bike card to the new owner. Using the phone number of the new owner the new owner will receive a SMS asking to accept ownership. Normally a change of ownership is done in less than one minute.

  • List of historical owners

    • Each bike card has a list of all the previous owners. Information about purchase date and selling date is included. If a previous owner has not accepted having their name on the list - it will only be stated "Anonymous"

  • Bike-registry listing

    • Bike can be included in FG-registry for better pricing on insurance and lower deductible if bike is stolen

  • Full service history

    • All services that has been done during the life span of the bikes is stored on the bike card. In table user can see which shop (or if it was a self-service done by the owner himself) date, cost and download the receipt of the service order.

  • Proof of warranty

    • User or shop can upload a PDF- or JPG-file to show proof of warranty. Normally this is the receipt from buying the bike new at the shop.

  • Bicycle insurance

    • User can ask for insurance companies to create best possible offers based on the bike, or all bikes on his account. 3 different offers will be created based on the bicycle information and presented to the user.

  • Online booking

    • User can book services directly on the bike card. Using an interactive tool user can by using a photo of their bike determine the problems and issues related to the bike. Customer will receive a SMS for every status the bike repair is currently on:

      • Booked

      • Delivered to shop

      • Waiting for parts

      • Finished

      • Delivered to customer

        • All SMS senders ID is name of shop

  • Create new bike card

    • User can create a new bike card using BkeFolder smart search database. 150 000 modes are currently in database and make it easy for users to find its model and create the bike cards with high data quality.

  • Custom bike

    • If the user owns a custom bike - built a bike themselves from scratch or bought parts separately - they can create a custom bike card to enter all detailed spec themselves.

  • Digital manuals PDF

    • Each bike card has a PDF-file related to them. Manufactures have added PDF that is related to that model will automatically be shown in list of manuals. If customer replace some parts, they can upload manuals themselves that will be related to that bike and stay there for next owners to use.

  • BikeCare

    • Each bike card have 2 levels of BikeCare: freemium or premium. Premium is a paid plan and offers users more features related to that bike.

  • Rate bike

    • User can rate/review the bike based on 9 criteria. The info is stored and can be shown to brand.

  • Nick name on bike

    • In list of bikes all bikes can be given their unique nickname. In a family, the nickname can be the name of the owner or similar.

  • Change preferred repair shop each bike

    • Each bike has its preferred bike shop. All automated messages will be coming from that shop. Like automated service reminders +++

  • Report stolen - Finders fee

    • A user can report its bike stolen. They can also offer a finders fee. The user can choose if the bike was stolen from home or a different address. If user choose to offer a finders fee - all BikeHunters in the area will get a notification with the following information:

      • Photo of the bike

      • Finders fee

      • Address It was stolen

  • Sell bike

    • User can sell bike and use the "Change ownership" feature to easily change owner of the bike card

  • Public link

    • User can copy a public link to the bike card that can be shared on adds or Facebook whenever the bike is for sale. Potential buyers will get full info about the bike and can get relevant info to determine what they are willing to pay for the bike.

  • Choose service intervals

    • Owner of the bike can for each bike choose from the following service intervals:

      • Never

      • 3mnt

      • 5mnt

      • 7mnt

      • 9mnt

      • 12mnt

  • Add self-service

    • User can choose to do a self-service on the bike and get the service logged in the history of services. The self-service will include, date, free text and an uploaded PDF/JPG showing the receipt of the part purchased

  • Automated service history

    • When bike has been serviced by a shop using BikeFolder, all information related to the service will be saved in the list of historical services. Customer can also download the complete work order of that service to

  • Download PDF of complete bike card

    • User can download a PDF of the complete bike card. This can be shared with a potential buyer. It can also be sent to the insurance company if a bike gets stolen to proof the accurate value of the bike.

  • Edit all parts on bicycle

    • A bike card normally has all spec from brand, but if certain parts are replaced, the user can edit each part for new information.

  • Delete bike card

    • User can delete bike card. A deleted bike card can not be brought back by other users, only the user that deleted the card.

  • Add parts and accessories

    • User can add all parts and accessories that is bought as extra equipment for the bike. This can be upgrade of wheels, computer, bags or other related parts. Each part can be added with the cost of the product and upload a recite of the product as proof of value

  • Ask inactive shops to active their account

    • If a local shop is not active in BikeFolder the user can choose ask shop to activate the BikeFolder account


SUMMARIZED: Peace of mind and increased resale value.




  • Add shop owner info

    • All info of shop owner/shop keeper can be added with all contact info

  • Add shop info

    • Info about the shop can be added

      • Address

      • Email

      • Photos from shop

      • Logo

      • phone

      • Free text about shop

  • Set opening hours

    • Set the openig hours by day of week

  • Add employees

    • Employees can be added. They will get own login. Employees can also be listed in shop info page.

    • All emplyoees can repair bikes and be attcached as mechanic

  • Set which brands that is accepted for service

    • Shop can choose which brands are accepted by repair bookings. Some shops will allow all brand. Some shops will accept all brad EXEPT some brands. Some brand will maybe only accept the brand they are selling

  • Set which categories the shop accept to repair

    • Shop can set limits to which categories they repair. Some shops might not repair youth or unicycles. Some shops may not accept cargo bikes bikecause theu workshop is too small

  • Set shops certificates

    • Shops can inform which certificates they have. More than 20 certificates are available, like: Shimano service centers, Yamaha service centers, Hope service centers +++

  • Add individual T&C for each shop

    • When customers are booking repair online - the shop can provide their customized T&C. This can include everything from hourly service rate, ++++

  • Set normal daily workshop capacity

    • Shop can set the max amoubnt of bike being serviced each day. this number is reflected in the booking calendar.

  • Set abnormal daily capacity at workshop

    • When there is abnormal capacity on specific dates, user can set abnormal daily capacity for separate dates

  • Set which days the workshop is staffed

    • Chose which days the workshop is staffed. Unstaffed days will not be possible to book service repairs

  • Create service packs

    • Each shop can create their own servcie packs, each pack can have muktiple freatures and user can set their own price. User can create multiple servcie packs. User can also edit packs at convenience. In addition to service packs a "Custom" package will be visable for user booking services.

  • Activate/DeActivate workshop module

    • Shop can choose to activate or deactivate the workshop module.

      • (A webshop will most likely deactivate the workshop)

  • Multilanguage

    • Shop staff/admin panel is currently in English, Norwegian, German, Spanish and French language. more being added every month





  • Create new bike card manually

    • Shop create a new bike card by adding frame number and choosing model. Normally it takes 30-60 sec to create a bike card

    • Shop can use qr-code/Barcode scanner to scan framenumber on box

  • Attach a shop bike to customer

    • When selling bike, shop will attach the bike card to the customer using the customer phone number. Attaching a bike card to customer is less than 20 sec

  • Attach an Un-attached bike to shop

    • A shop can claim any bike card that is un-attached and not connected to any shop

  • Create new model

    • When creating a new bike card and the model can not be found in our database, the shop itself can create a new modelcard. After model card is created, the new bike card can be created

  • Create new customer

    • The shop can create a new customer. The customer will be attached to that shop

  • Book service manually

    • The shop can add a repair bookng directly from the dashboard or inside the repair window.


  • Receive booked bikes by QR code scanning

    • If bike exist within BikeFolder and have a BF tag - the staff can scan the QR-code on the bike. BAsed on the repair status of the bike, the following scenarious will happen:

      • NO STATUS/DELIVERD TO CUSTOMER: A new booking related to that bike will start

      • BOOKED: Customer has booked online. The booking status will go from BOOKED to DELIVERED TO SHOP

      • FINISHED: The bike is finished and customer picking up. When scanning the status will automatically go to DELIVERED TO CUSTOMER

      • For all statuses customer will recieve a SMS

  • Dashboard

    • Dashboard has short cuts and buttons for often used functionality

  • List of shop bikes

    • All bikes that has a bike card, but not attached to a customer, i.e bikes that is ready to be sold is listed in SHOP BIKES. Once a bike is sold, the bike will be moved to CUSTOMER BIKES

  • List of customer bikes

    • A list of all bikes that has an owner and connected to the shop are listed in this list

  • Sell bike by QR code scanning

    • When selling a bike, the staff can scan the BF tag. The bike card is automatically opened and staff add phone number of new owner. Customer get SMS

  • Sell bike manually

    • When selling a bike staff can find the bike in the SHOP BIKES list and open the bike card. On bike card staff can add customers phone and save. Customer get SMS




  • Repair dashboard

    • Complete overview of workshop task and analysis

      • Graphic and number on qnt bikes at status RECEIVED AT SHOP

      • Graphic and number on qnt bikes at status WAITING FOR PARTS

      • Graphic and number on qnt bikes at status FINISHED TODAY

      • Graphic and number: Repaired this week vs Last week

      • Graphic and number: Repaired this month vs Last month

      • Graphic and number: Total repairs this year

    • List of all bikes in all statuses


  • Online booking link for each shop

    • Each shop has its unique booking link. This link can be used by customers/users that want to book a service appointment with the shop. Flow works same if user have account or not

    • Link can be shared on social media, shop´s webpage or other digital platforms to gain more service bookings

  • Segment on bike status

    • Mechanic can segment in list to see all bikes for each status

  • SMS sent by status

    • When a service order change status the customer recieve a SMS. Sender ID is name of shop

  • Enlarge thumbnail photos

    • Mechanic can enlarge thumnail photos to easily double check bike in list of repairs

  • Print workorder

    • When bike repair is finsihed - mechanic can print a work order, the document includes the follwoing:

      • Complete info about shop

      • Complete customer information

      • Order date

      • Date finished

      • NAme of mechanic (If mechanic has chosen)

      • Bicycle brand

      • Bicycle model

      • Frame number

      • Type of service

      • Parts used

      • Tax

      • Discount

      • Customers initial comments

      • Mechanic comment to customer

    • When repair order change status to DELIVERED TO CUSTOMER the compltee document will be available on the customers bike card

  • See comment from owner

    • Mechanic can see the comment that customer added when creatinhg the repoair order

  • Chat directly with owner

    • Mechanic can chat directly with customer using chat functionality.

    • When sending a chat, an SMS is sent to the customer with an encrypted link. The link is directed to customers account.

    • All chats are saved for shop and customer

    • Mechanic can send photo and video of problem with the bike

    • Customer can NOT initiate a chat

    • The chat is available on list of repair orders, on repair order window and on customer card


  • Choose mechanic

    • When repairing a bike the mechanic can choos in drop down to inform name of mechanic conducted the repair

  • Add mechanic note

    • Mechanic can add a note to the owner of the bike. The note will be available on the bike card and the printed document

  • Add products

    • Mechanic can add al products used for the repair order

  • Discount products

    • Mechanic can choose to grant discount on every product line

  • Change status

    • Mechanic can change stats of the repair order.

      • Delivered to shop

      • Waiting for parts

      • Finished

      • Delivered to customer

  • Workshop calendar

    • Mechanic can using the booking calender see qnt of bookings for the coming days. Calendar will be available for 1 year ahead




  • Shop score

    • Shop will be able to follow progress and meassure porgression of shop. Shopscore is calculated on monthly basis.

    • Shop get shop points for the following tasks

      • When a shop create a new bike card

      • When a customer related to the shop is activating their bike in free BikeFolders´s FG registry

  • Add BikeFit PDF to customer account

    • If shop provides Bike Fit the PDF generated can be attached to the customer card. Customer will allways have this document available on their account

    • If customer buy new bike, the shop can set up the new bike using the correct meassurements

  • Customer map

    • All customers related to shop can be seen on a map.

    • User can click each customer to see all bikes customer owns and related to shop

    • The bike card can be opened directly to see full bicycle information

  • Send SMS

    • Shop admin can using segmentation tool send specific messages/Marketing material to thier customers.

    • Segmentation tool included:

      • Brand

      • model

      • Model year

      • Price of bike (Range)

      • Category

    • Only customers that have logged in and accepted T&C will recieve message


  • Send Emails

    • Shop admin can using segmentation tool send specific messages/Marketing material to thier customers.

    • Segmentation tool included:

    • Brand

    • model

    • Model year

    • Price of bike (Range)

    • Category

    • Only customers that have logged in and accepted T&C will recieve message


  • See customer card

    • Shop can access customer card. The card includes following information:

      • Complete customer info

      • Profile photo

      • Chat directly with customer

      • Bikefits

      • All owned bikes

  • See Bikecards

    • Shop can access all bike cards that is related to the shop.

    • Shop can edit

      • Frame number

      • BF number

      • Category

      • Frame isze

      • Key nuumber lock

      • Battery number

      • Color

      • Wheel size

      • Shifting system

      • Engine Type

      • Gears

      • Retail price

  • Analytics

    • Shop can see analytics

      • Shopscore by month

      • QNT SMS sent by month

      • More data coming



Coming features

  • Bike hotel

    • Shop can store customers bike in of season

      • Customer choose which service will be conducted during winter

      • Customer can choose when to pick up bike

      • Customer can order online

      • Shop can set monthly cost themselves

      • Shop can activate / Deactiveta Bike Hotel module

  • Bike rental

    • Shop can have a list of bikes that is rental bikes

    • Booking calendar


  • Pick up and delivery

    • Shop can offer to pick up bikes at home of customer
    • Cost is set by shop
    • Cost can be per bike or per house/address
    • Shop can choose which day/s they offer pickup/delivery
    • Customer can add info on how to pick up and how to deliver
    • Shop can activate or deacteivate feature

  • Shop rides

    • Shop can organize shop rides either on regular basis or individual rides
    • Customers can be invited based in which bike they own
    • Shop can activate or de-activate the module

Summarized: Increased revenue, profit and customer loyalty.


  • See list of shops

    • sold bikes today

    • Fixed bikes today

    • Booked bikes next 7 days

  • List shop bikes

    • List of all shop bikes in all shops

    • See bike card

    • Edit bike cards

  • Chain mechanic

    • The chain mechanic is superuser and can access and repair all bikes in all shops attached to chain. example: If a bike is delivered to one shop, the bike can be trasnported to a central workshop that normally handles all repairs. The achain mechanic can fix all these bike.

  • Analytics

    •  Multiple analytics available


  • Access all bike cards

    • See all bike cards for bikes.

    • Edit bike cards

      • User can edit fields and info on the bike card

    • See service history

      • User can access the bike card and see all services performed on the bike


  • Direct recalls.

    • User can segment list of customer bikes and send direct SMS for recall purposes. Segmentation can be based on:

      • Model name

      • Model year

      • Category

      • Free text


  • Direct marketing

    • User can send email direct to owners based on segmentation tool:

      • Model name

      • Model year

      • Retail price (Range)

      • Category

      • Free text

    • User can send to current owner or past owners


  • Distributor can log in

    • If brand have national distributors, the brand admin can create accounts for them to address their local marked

  • Create new models

    • User can create new model cards with complete spec and info

  • Upload list of models

Warranty module

  • User can use warranty module to determine warranty cases for each bike


Dealer info

  • Complete list of dealers sold one or more bikes of that brand
  • Complete list of dealer that have repaired one or more bikes of that brand
  • User can send direct messages to shop owner based on segmentation tool.

  • User can send direct messages to shop staff based on segmentation tool.

